Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Our Solemn Pledge

Last night before Sooner and I had our knitting Hang, I was at my house searching for my baggie of knitting supplies. It has scissors, a crochet hook, stitch markers, whathaveyou. I couldn't find it. I can't decide if that is because Haywood is moving in and my apartment is even more disasterous than usual or if it is because I have so many UFOs* going on.

Sooner and I pledged that prior to beginning any other knitting projects, we will create two FOs**. This will be hard, for sure, because Sooner and I are not very attention span oriented people.

Plus, while waiting around for my boss to talk to me yesterday, I made a list of my future projects, and they numbered over 15. I have a lot of knitting to do.

*Unfinished Objects
**Finished Objects

In other news, I was denied entrance into the Christian Knitters Society. Please see below correspondence to explicate this travesty.

I applied for membership last Friday. I received this comment on our blog.

HI... As soon as you put the code for the ring on your site you will be added to the ring. :-)Glad to have you join us.Debbie <><>

I let Debbie know that we had ringed up, I even dedicated an entry unto her. I received the following email.

Hi.. The code needs to be in your side bar so it is a permanent fixture not in a post.I am not sure about your site yet as you seem to be making fun of Jesus."Jesus said men should knit."????"Jesus so loved the sheep"????

Dear Christian Knitters:

As you know I do all my knitting for Jesus and in his name. However, my blogging partner, Sooner, is without God. He is dynamic and persuasive and charming so it is my belief that once he finally accepts Jesus into his heart as his personal Lord and Savior he will be a dynamic force for the Lord and save many souls. I am trying every day to be a conduit through which the Lord may speak unto him, and so far my prayers remain unanswered. Your prayers would beappreciated.

I initially put the ring on the sidebar but Sooner insisted that I take it down. The compromise we reached was that I put it in an entry. I would like to proclaim Totally Knitting (TM) as a placewhere we explore WWJK* in a positive environment. It is my hope to soon intarsia a dog sweater with the visage of the Lamb so that wherever my precious Shih Tzu, Macy, wears it, she passes on the Good News. Please consider our membership.

I do not believe that I am making fun of Jesus, instead, simply, having fun WITH JESUS. Isn't that the point? Wasn't He a fun-loving guy?

With sincerest wishes that you see fit to let us into your ilk,

*What Would Jesus Knit


I agree that we can have fun. I just needed to know more about you. I want this to be a ministry as well as blogging fun. If the code is not in the sidebar, people will not be able to surffrom site to site which is what a ring is for. As a post, it will soon get archived and the links are broken. You can put just the Next and previous parts of the ring of the codewith the words "Christian Knitters ring". If you want to just join our google group, you can. code needed...I can pray.



Before I even had a chance to appeal to her, I received the following email.

After much thought and concern for other ring members, I am denyingyou membership into the ring. The foul language written by youco-blogger is not conducive to the purpose of our ring.I am sorry and hope he comes to the Lord.


Debbie <><>

I was understandably outraged, so I sent the following to Sooner, trying to be as Christian as I could be under the circumstances.


It seems as though you have JUST COST US MEMBERSHIP into the ChristianKnitters Ring.



Do you intend to file a motion for reconsideration with Debbie? "What if I can control him? What if I get him to use *$&%&^^ instead of bullshit? What if in the future Sooner comes to the Lord and becomes a dynamic force for changing souls? Then can we be member number 17?"


I am unsure what my next steps should be and I await some sort of divine inspiration to direct me.


Anonymous said...

May the Lord Jesus be with you while you strive to bring Sooner to The Light. I am deeply concerned about his fate in the Devil's hands--he needs salvation!
Please ring me if you need any healing hands with which to pray.

Anonymous said...


*Peeing My Pants